Comités consultatif des parents
Parent Advisory Committees (PAC) are made up of volunteers from the local school community who meet monthly to discuss various issues and plan ways to support schools as they pursue individual goals, projects and initiatives. Numerous fundraising efforts and support for programs, events and activities are made possible through these school-based committees. At YK1, each PAC has the support of its own Trustee, who is assigned to act as the Board’s representative. Trustees attend monthly PAC meetings and report back to the Board on local activities and progress. YK1's Superintendent meets with PAC Chairpersons on at least an annual basis.
Nearby community schools Kaw Tay Whee School and K’àlemì Dene School choose to contract superintendency services from YK1. Given this organizational structure, YK1 Trustees are not assigned to act as Board representatives at these monthly meetings. Kaw Tay Whee, which falls under the Dettah District Education Authority, and K’àlemì Dene School, which falls under the Ndilo District Education Authority, both have their own publicly-elected Board of Trustees with similar powers and responsibilities to YK1 Trustees.
2022-2023 Board of Trustee PAC Representatives
École Įtłʼǫ̀: Jason Snaggs
N.J. Macpherson School: Michelle Peters
Range Lake North School: Barbara Bell
Mildred Hall School: Tina Drew
École William McDonald Middle School: Allan Shortt
École Sir John Franklin High School: Terry Brookes